About Alison Jones

My personal experience as a homeopathy practitioner

Alison Jones

Alison Jones, Homeopath

I first became interested in homeopathy over 25 years ago when my youngest daughter was diagnosed with asthma which was eventually controlled by daily medication from our GP. I was happy that my daughter’s asthma was under control but concerned about the long term effects of this medication (steroids) on my daughter’s health.  I looked at the alternatives and came across homeopathy again.  I decided to give it a try and consulted a homeopath. My daughter underwent a course of treatment and she was much better!  She was no longer in and out of hospital and had a much better quality of life. I was fascinated as to how the little sugar pills prescribed, whose action is not yet understood, could alleviate the symptoms of an asthma attack.

I originally trained as a solicitor specialising in serious personal injury and clinical negligence. I became interested in people’s different reactions/coping mechanisms with pain.

  • Why do some people have severe pain where little damage can be seen on x ray following accidents, whereas others have minor pain despite severe degenerative change.
  • The pain felt by those with little detectable injury/degeneration was real but it could not be easily explained.
  • I felt there had to be other reasons for this with the mind/body connection a likely explanation. Later, I came to understand that this was the basis of the guiding philosophy behind homeopathy, a system of medicine which considers the whole person i.e. mind and body.

These thoughts, together with my personal experience of my daughter’s health combined with my increasing interest in alternative solutions inspired me to pursue the study and then the practice of Homeopathy. I used homeopathy on my family for 15 years before undertaking formal training.


I registered with the Society of Homeopaths in 2006 after completing my 4 year Licentiate in Homeopathy with the London School of Classical Homeopathy. Since qualifying I have undertaken the following Postgraduate qualifications:

  • Diploma in Advanced Materia Medica and Therapeutics (2006) with Dr A O Ramakrishnan, Head of HEAR and author of “A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer,”
  • Practitioner in Classical Homeopathy (2008) with Jeremy Sherr, Head of the Dynamis School of Advanced Homeopathic Studies, and author of “The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings”.

As part of my professional development I continue to attend lectures, seminars and conferences on homeopathy, nutrition, flower essences and herbs used as homeopathic organ support.  Homeopathy continues to challenge and excite me on an intellectual level as research continues to expand and greater resources are made available to practitioners. Over time I have also learned so much from my patients.  Listening is a very important part of the practice.


My homeopathic work in fertility and infertility has been supplemented by training as a practitioner using Foresight methods for better nutrition, with consequent benefits to health and therefore fertility, pre and post conception.  I have also studied with the Australian homeopath Liz Lalor.  She has developed a protocol according to the Vannier method for the treatment of infertility which I use in appropriate cases.

What I love about being a homeopath is the discovery process.

I guess it is a bit like being a detective.  We are trying to work out where your problems might have come from which can be particularly challenging where longstanding health conditions are concerned.  Exchanging ideas and information in the consultation is also an important part of the recovery process and helps you and I understand possible causes of your ill health. In my experience, the consultation process is essential in helping us find the appropriate homeopathic remedies.

I find homeopathy very powerful.

I have been very busy practising as a professional qualified homeopath for 10 years now and am still awed by the results.  I consider myself to be very fortunate in being able to practice such a gentle and effective discipline with such a lovely group of people who are my patients.

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A patient’s experience of homeopathy and thoughts on Richard Dawkins

Difficulties adjusting to changing school

Influenza vaccine

Food intolerance

Empty nest blues!

Spicy Butternut Squash Soup

Welcome to classical homeopathy