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The Third Age


Mmmm, what is this?  A polite way of describing advances in age after the menopause in a woman, and/or pre and post retirement from full time paid employment for men and women perhaps?

Okay, most of us hope to reach this stage in life at some point even if at 30 or 40 we could never imagine it.  Reaching it may also come as a bit of a surprise. What happened to all those years and our youth?

Why do we need a separate page on Health Topics for this subject?  All sorts of reasons.  Let’s find a comparison which is not to do with our own ageing process.

We have cars which we regularly pay to have serviced.  Do we expect them to continue to function efficiently without a service?  Do we look after ourselves in the same way by having regular services? Most of the time the answer is an emphatic NO!  Unless of course we have a health crisis of some sort and we are forced to think about our health. Consider that we have used our bodies for many years without thinking about how they run or without looking after them.   We wouldn’t expect a car to run like that.  After years of use (and possibly abuse) our bodies (and maybe our emotions?) could also do with a bit of TLC.  Finding ways of keeping healthy or regaining health is a good idea.  After all, this is probably the point at which if we don’t start looking after ourselves, matters may just deteriorate without us noticing.  Ageing bodies are hard enough to manage anyway so we need to find ways of retaining/ restoring their health as much as possible.

What we want to do is be as fit and healthy as we can.  Homeopathy may help.  In a homeopathic consultation we review all areas of health and wellbeing.  We will be looking at what we put into our bodies, any problems we may feel we are developing, and looking towards the future to keep as well and lively as possible for as long as possible.  Remedies may help with this and so may other adaptations and/or changes to our lifestyle.

On a life happiness level, we may be feeling that now life has calmed down a little.  We may no longer have the same focus and sense of purpose and therefore feel a bit low, or even very low, about the future.  We may worry about our memory and intellect not being as sharp as before, or losing our mobility, or our mobility being restricted in some way.  Looking at what we eat, how we spend our time, what we do and lifestyle, can be very helpful in ensuring the best health and happiness.  Or we might be really low……  Rather than immediately thinking antidepressants for example, are the answer, homeopathy is certainly worth thinking about and trying.  Remedies can help to rebalance you and make you feel better in yourself, and even give you back the motivation for life and living.  Hopefully they can also help by putting off the need for pharmaceutical drugs.

Or we may be very happy and never have felt better, but the odd physical part of our body is not performing as well as we might like.  One example, on a very basic level, is that for the bulk of our lives we have confidence in being able to go to the toilet and pass urine when our body tells us to because the bladder muscle passes messages to the brain telling us when it needs to be emptied.  However, later in life, women, especially if they have been through childbirth, and men, whose prostate gland may have enlarged over the years, may find that this messaging process and/or the sphincter muscles has been weakened, so confidence in being able to make it to the loo on time or empty the bladder effectively may not be quite as good.  Homeopathy has remedies that may help to tone the urinary system, as in this example and save the anxiety and embarrassment.

The effect of a good constitutional remedy should make you feel better in yourself on many levels.  What is there to lose?

The Third Age

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